The Advantages Of Arc Welding For Your Metal Fabrication Needs

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If metal fabrication is critical for your new manufacturing business, you must familiarise yourself with the various fabrication techniques. One of the most popular metal fabrication techniques is welding and can this can be carried out in a variety of processes including Metal Inert Gas welding, Tungsten Inert Gas welding, Stick welding, Laser welding and so on. However, one versatile solution that you should consider is arc welding. This welding technique entails the use of electricity to affix metal parts that need joining. And while other welding processes also utilise electrodes, such as MIG welding, arc welding offers a range of advantages that would be beneficial to your manufacturing business' needs, as illustrated below.

Fast turnaround

The electrode employed in arc welding emits a high concentration of heat. The extreme temperatures cause the metals to reach their melting point faster, which means the welding process can be completed in a short amount of time. If your manufacturing business relies on fast turnaround for increased profits, you may want to consider arc welding as your preferred fabrication technique for the manufacturer of your products.

Minimal distortion

The second advantage of arc welding is that the precision of the electrode coupled with the high heat produced translates into minimal distortion to the connective pieces. As a result, the final finish is neat and smooth, which contributes to the overall appearance of the manufactured product. It should be noted that since the distortions are minimal, you will not have to engage in extensive finishing processes for the product and this saves both time and money.

Impact resistance

A major concern that you may have as a manufacturer is products that are vulnerable to damage, more so if they comprise joints, as it is easy to compromise their structural integrity by exposing them to heavy impact. Fortunately, arc welding eliminates this problem. The finished joint will be capable of load-bearing since the high heat of the electrode ensures complete adherence of the metal parts. So if products will be employed in applications that require the bearing of heavy loads, you should opt for arc welding as your preferred fabrication technique.

The main thing to note before you opt for arc welding is that the type of arc welding employed can vary from one type of product to the next. A few of the different forms of arc welding include submerged arc welding (SAW), flux-core arc welding (FCAW) and so on. Thus, it is essential to consult with the welder about the options suited to the manufacturing of your items.

For more information on welding, reach out to a local welder.
