Industrial Waste Oil: Essential Tips for Storing Correctly before Disposal

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Used industrial oil will cause problems if it is discharged carelessly. Therefore, you should engage a specialised waste management company to collect and dispose of or recycle hazardous material. Remember that your business operation will be held accountable for the mismanagement of the fluid. Therefore, you cannot afford to make mistakes which could lead to environmental damage and subsequent legal consequences. In addition to choosing a waste oil specialist, here are essential guidelines for storing your industrial oil before disposal.

Inspect the Tanks

It is advisable to inspect the storage tanks in which you will hold the used oil. If these containers are not in a good state, there will be leakages. For instance, there might be spills when moving the units to the collection trucks for disposal. Therefore, consider making time for regular tank assessment. Take note of cracks and replace compromised containers. You should remember that light-duty tanks are more vulnerable to damage. Choose industrial-grade alternatives for long-term service.

Use Tanks Well

The improper use of waste oil containers can lead to used oil storage disasters. Therefore, you should consult your disposal professional on the correct usage of the tanks. The most critical thing to remember is to avoid storing unsuitable or combined chemicals and fluids in the unit. Simply speaking, if a chemical is not categorised as waste oil, it should not be poured into the tank. Moreover, different types of used oil should be stored separately. Also, it is important to avoid overfilling the tanks to prevent spillages.

Secure the Store

If the storage room for your waste oil is not secure, some dangerous situations could arise. For instance, an intruder could enter the room and cause problems like spilling or stealing the hazardous materials. Also, keep in mind that oil is highly flammable. The occurrence of a spark in the storeroom could result in a catastrophe. You can prevent this by ensuring that the space has a secure lock at the door. The door should only be accessible by authorised personnel. Additionally, put up warning signs to prevent irresponsible behaviour.

Clean Up Spills

Finally, you should have a plan for cleaning up oil spills on your business premises. It is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents during the handling of hazardous material. Therefore, a management protocol must be in place. Onsite cleaning personnel should be trained to handle this type of problem. If you are not sure about the correct clean-up procedure, consult the waste oil disposal professional. 

For more information about waste oil disposal, contact a local company, like Wren Oil.
